P&P — Web Design and Development
Web Design and Development on WordPress platform. Backend customization for loading and updating content independently by the customer.

“In this fast digital age, we are bombarded with continuous information and stimuli with little impact on our attention. We need to do important things, that leave a mark, that are recognizable and that take communication to a higher level, above the endless buzz. We are here to help you do this, showing you how a natural, embossed, colored, metallic paper can transform something good enough into something great (unforgettable). ” – Paper & People
For Paper & People, the Milan showroom with over 2,500 types of fine papers from all over the world, we took care of the restyle of the website: an immersive experience, which leaves ample space for images of papers, projects, inspirations. Encyclopaper, the virtual encyclopedia of the entire Paper&People offer, explores the collections in every aspect: from recommended printing technologies, to paper weight, to embossing.

Web Development on WordPress platform in collaboration with Pyetro.