Studiokhom — Glass windows decoration
H&M Conscious Collection
Printing ad set up of transparent adhesive films with gradient colors for location's glass windows.

An exclusive event for the launch of the new Conscious Exclusive 2019 capsule collection. For the presentation of the new fibers and new green materials by H&M (Piñatex®, a natural alternative to leather made from pineapple leaves; BLOOM™, vegetable foam extracted from algae and Orange Fiber®, a fabric made from citrus fruit scraps) the location Al Fresco based in Milan was “dressed” in bright and cheerful colors and atmospheres, in line with the latest trends and with the world of nature and fruit. The fibers and natural materials displayed next to the garments tell the story of H&M’s commitment to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly production.

Event Production and Photo Studiokhom